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A Fairy Tale in a Gym?

You think it doesn´t fit? It does and it did yesterday in our school. A king who called himself "King Kong", his crying daughter (the princess) and a frog (later to be seen as prince) were our guests on stage and acted the all over the world well known fairy tale "Frog Prince". The spectators (pupils of our 7th and 8th classes with their teachers) saw a very humourous 45 minutes version completely in English. The actors even really played with some of them, asked them if they were wolves, thieves or kidnappers. At the end the princess got her golden ball, her prince and all were lucky-the actors and spectators. Till next year hopefully!

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Vereinsversammlung & Jahresplanung

21.01.25 / 18:00 / Kulturhaus Seelow / kleiner Saal


Flyer zum Veranstaltungskalender 2025

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